Staf Pengajar

Saat ini Program Studi Magister Teknik kelautan sudah memiliki 20 staf pengajar dari berbagai bidang keahlian Teknik Kelautan untuk memenuhi standar kompetensi mahasiswa.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ricky Lukman Tawekal

Research Interests:
Structural Optimization, Offshore Structures, and Naval Architecture.

Email Address:

Muslim Muin, Ph.D.

Research Interests:
3-D Ocean Model Hydrodynamics, Sediment Transport Model, Water Quality Model, Wave and Structure Interaction, Oil Spill Model, Tsunami, GIS.

Email Address:

Irsan Soemantri B., Ph.D.

Research Interests:
Underwater Acoustics, Structural Acoustics, Acoustical Oceanography, Broadband Acoustical Imaging, Marine Geo-mechanic, Acoustical Imaging.

Email Address:

Andojo Wurjanto, Ph.D.

Research Interests:
Meteorological and Oceanographic (Metocean) Parameters, Wave-Coastal Structures Interaction, Simulation of Coastal Physical Process.

Email Address:

Krisnaldi Idris, Ph.D.

Research Interests: 
Random Waves and hydraulics.

Email Address:

Harman Ajiwibowo, Ph.D.

Research Interests: 
Scour under Structures, Surf zone, Hydrodynamics, Wave-Structure Interactions, Reinforced Concrete for Coastal Structures.

Email Address:

Dr. Ir. Syawaluddin Hutahean, M.T.

Research Interests: 
Coastal structure such as shore protection, fishery and marine culture infrastructure planning and coastal dynamics.

Email Address:

Rildova, Ph.D.

Research Interests: 
Structural Analysis.

Email Address:

Sri Murti Adiyastuti, Ph.D.

Research Interests: 
Structural analysis and mechanic of ocean structure material.

Email Address:


Dr. Eng. Hendra Achiari, S.T., M.T.

Research Interests: 
Coastal management and environment such as numerical model in ocean environment and process.

Email Address:

Dr. Nita Yuanita, S.T., M.T.

Research Interests: 
Coastal management and environment, numerical model on sediment transport and coastal sedimentation.

Email Address:

Dr. Ir. Hendriyawan, M.T.

Research Interests: 
Marine geotechnical, Soil Mechanic and Basic Engineering.

Email Address:

Dr. Eng. Paramashanti, S.T., M.T.

Research Interests: 
Structural analysis, structural maintenance, risk and reliability of ocean structure.

Email Address:

Entin Karjadi, Ph.D.

Research Interests: 
Coastal processes, nearshore hydrodynamics, water wave mechanics, surface waves influence on acoustic signals.

Email Address:

Alamsyah Kurniawan, Ph.D.

Research Interests: 
Hydroinformatic, data-driven model, data-model integration, Metocean Parameters and analysis, Hydrodynamic and water quality modelling in ocean and coastal environment.

Email Address:

Ir. Eko Charnius Ilman, Ph.D.

Research Interests: 
Structural Analysis and Reliability, Marine/ Offshore corrosion, Multi-physics Simulation, Structure Decommissioning, Subsea Pipeline.

Email Address:

Ahmad Muchlis Firdaus, S.T., M.T.

Research Interests: 
Meteorological and Oceanographic (Metocean) Parameters, Wave-Coastal Structures Interaction, Simulation of Coastal Physical Process, Marine Renewable Energy.

Email Address:

Eddy Rachman G., S.T., M.T.

Research Interests: 
Metocean Analysis and Hydrodynamic Modelling.

Email Address:

Izqi Yustina, S.T., M.T.

Research Interests: 
Coastal Research.

Email Address:

Jessica Rikanti Tawekal, S.T., M.Sc.

Research Interests: 
Subsea pipeline, Offshore Platform, Structural Reliability and Integrity.

Email Address:

Heri Setiawan, S.T., M.T.

Research Interests: 
Coastal Engineering.

Email Address:

Faridah Zahra, S.T., M.Sc.

Research Interests: 
Offshore Engineering Research

Email Address:

Program Studi Magister Teknik Kelautan
Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Gedung T.P. Rachmat (Labtek VI) Sisi Timur Lt. 3, Jalan Ganesha 10 Bandung